The Gates of Hell is an
interactive Pylon and one of the oldest and largest in the Temple of Set. It was
founded by Magister Roger Whitaker in XXII ĘS.
The Pylon exists for
initiates who are either geographically distanced or who prefer to Work in an
isolated environment. As a correspondence Pylon most of our activities require
members to interact with other members by e-mail, postal mail or by phone.
Personal meetings are
encouraged when possible but is not a requirement. Areas of interest are as
varied as the Setians in the Gates of Hell. These areas of interest will change
and evolve along with the Initiatory evolution of the Setians who make up this
Pylon. Above all, the emphasis of the GoH is to enhance both group and
individual Xeper.
If you have
any further questions, please contact the Executive Director at